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The website under the domain www.santasfelicitas.com is property of Santasfelicitas S.L., with CIF B-03919370, and social address at 8th of Sant Carles Street, in Pego (Alicante).

Intellectual property

All content included in the website and in particular trademarks, trade names , industrial designs , designs, text, photographs, graphics, logos, icons or any other signs susceptible of commercial, industrial or intellectual rights, is property of Santasfelicitas S.L. or other owners who have authorized their inclusion in the website. Is therefore forbidden any use or reproduction by any means without Santasfelicitas S.L. express consent.

Anyway, Santasfelicitas S.L. declares its respect for the rights of intellectual property of others, hence, if you consider that this website could be violating your rights, please put in contact with Santasfelicitas S.L. via the contact form.

Santasfelicitas S.L. authorizes the establishment of links to the portal from any other websites , provided that these links lead the Santasfelicitas S.L. site.

Under no circumstances shall access and navigation of user implies authorization or waiver, sale of all or part of such rights or to grant of any right or expectation of law and in particular the alteration, transformation , exploitation, reproduction , distribution or public communication of the contents without the prior express authorization or Santasfelicitas S.L. and the owners concerned.